Setup & deployment

Players deploy units within their designated deployment zones, which are the first two vertical squares from the map's border. Units can be deployed on fields, buildings, bridges, and woods within these zones. Commanders can use four action points per turn to move their units within their respective ranges. The battle begins once units enter the opponent's action range.


These can be used by units for flanking maneuvers and by cavalry and artillery to cross woods or rivers. Cavalry and artillery normally unable to traverse woods, can do so using roads and remain protected from artillery fire if enough woods cover them. Mounted Generals, however, can enter forests to motivate their troops.


Buildings display an infantry label indicating the maximum number of allowed units. Units inside buildings are protected from cavalry attacks but not artillery fire. To capture a building, infantry must charge it successfully, allowing the attacking unit to replace the defending unit inside the building, on the wall, or at the gate/door. Mounted Generals may enter buildings for protection and to influence their troops. Buildings can only be occupied up to their maximum unit capacity throughout the battle.


Marked with an artillery icon, capturing a height grants artillery an extra square in range to target enemy units.


Offering protection for light infantry against cavalry attacks and artillery fire, woods are inaccessible to cavalry unless there is a road crossing the woods. Cavalry can charge units on roads within woods. Position cannons at the edge of woods to fire canister shots into them.


Bridges can be occupied by simply deploying  units within a square that covers completely or partially a bridge. If you decide to hold the ground  that section of the bridge is in your hands, until future counter charges or actions take place.